Tribute 2005


Tribute 2005

Ken Holt, Skip Smith & Steve Dore clowning around

Former Blend members Ken Holt, Steve Dore & Skip Smith hanging outside before the show

Skip Smith hamming it up for the camera

Ken Holt

Skip Smith on drums

Skip Smith, Ken Holt & Steve Dore

Ken Holt & Steve Dore

Div Kid band members Jon Valencia, Casey Drown & Ty Drown

Casey Drown on bass

JD's sons, Ty & Casey Drown

Paul Tukey making an announcement with Ty, Pam & Casey Drown

Ty Drown with The Do-Rights' Ron Perreault & Bruce Wakefield

Ty Drown & Paul Tukey

Noah Danis practicing on his acoustic

Laura Davis with her future husband Ty

Ty Drown, Pam Drown, Louanne Hunnewell, Lisa Danis &dancin' the night away

Skip, Spring & Diane Smith

Adam Hunnewell practicing his air guitar in the kitchen

Steven Smith & Adam Hunnewell slacking off in the kitchen